tips for planning a funeral for yourself

Three Ways A Funeral Home Can Reduce Stress Versus An At-Home Burial

At-home burials are experiencing a resurgence in popularity, and it's true they can be budget-friendly and good for the environment. However, they can put a lot of strain and responsibility on your family at a crucial point when they're in the grip of grief. Here are three ways that a funeral home can help your family during this time if you choose a funeral home over at-home burial.

1. Removing the responsibility for preparations

One of the facts of death is that your remains will need to be washed and clothed in preparation for the viewing, wake, or funeral service. Some families just aren't up to this type of responsibility, and even if they're normally responsible people, they may be too overcome with grief at the crucial time. And being prepared to do this may require a time investment such as undergoing funeral training before the event, which takes additional planning. You can hire a death doula or death midwife to help with this aspect of the funeral if your family is unlikely to be up to the task, or you can simply turn the whole process over to a funeral home that will take all the responsibility from your family's shoulders.  

2. Helping with decisions

If your family needs to make a decision about what type of funeral service to have, what type of casket to get, and so on, which is one of the problems that arises if you don't plan your funeral in advance, having funeral professionals there to provide advice can be a great help. Of course, it's still best if you at least choose a reputable funeral home in advance so you know your family has trustworthy professionals helping out with this type of advice.  

3. Having pre-planning locked into place

If you choose your funeral home in advance, you can also go a step further by having all your funeral arrangements planned out or at least having a package paid for that includes a particular casket and so on. This will keep your family from overspending, and it will also allow you to pay in advance so they won't be financially responsible and potentially get into a financial hole that they may have difficulty extricating themselves from later.   

These are just a few of the ways that it can be helpful to have a funeral home at hand to professionally deal with all the problems that may arise during this tricky time when your family is vulnerable.
